Categories: EnglishTietoa

Menu Nordic

I was kindly invited to try out the new Menu Nordic on Silja Line. All pictures showed here are provided by the Silja Line company.

Yesterday, some twenty health bloggers and journalists were served a terrific five course dinner prepared by the Culinary Team of Finland. This team is representing Finland in international culinary competitions. The next Culinary Olympics will take place in Erfurt, Germany in October 2016. The culinary team prepares for important competitions by training under the mentorship of top trainers. A most important task is to act as culinary ambassadors for gastronomic Finland.

In the Menu Nordic special emphasis is made to bring out the best in locally produced Finnish ingredients. We were treated with a high class, delicious and healthy food, using the best technology. And, boy, it sure was the best dinner I ever have enjoyed in my life! Do we here smell Olympic victory?

For starters we were treated with halibut and rhubarb together with some sour cream. A nice and fresh Marchese Antinori Cuvee Royale Franciacorta was served. We all liked this dish very much, and as a matter of fact this very dish was awarded the highest points by the inofficial jury. A very good start!

Before the main course, we ate a delicately arranged dish consisting of goat’s milk and Jerusalem artichoke decorated by some dried parsley. The wine glass was filled with Marchese Antinori Castello della Sala San Giovanni Orvieto Superiore.

The main course was rainbow trout and fennel. The accompying langoustine and local potatoes were well liked. A perfect combination, a nordic tradition to be treasured. The wine was Marchese Antinori Castello della Sala Cervaro della Sala.

Two desserts were very much enjoyed. First traditional cheese from Helsinki, spruce sprouts, apple and walnuts. The second dessert was a celebrating the summer: strawberries, white cholate and vanilla. Marchese Antinori Castello della Sala Muffato was soon to follow.

The Culinary Team of Finland

Christer Sundqvist

A prolific health blogger from Finland is blogging in English on Fridays.

Christer Sundqvist on monessa liemessä keitetty biologi, yllätyksellinen kirjailija, Suomen suosituin terveysbloggaaja ja monelle tuttu turpaduunari. Jälkimmäinen ammattinimike on tarkoitettu kuvaamaan Christeriä aidoimmillaan: esiintymislavalla toteuttamassa terveysviestintää huumorin pilke silmäkulmassa.

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